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Single Market Scoreboard

Country data: Austria

Transposition (Austria)

Trend since last reporting period: positive; negative; = neutral
Ranking out of 27: 1 to 9; 10 to 18; 19 to 21

Transposition deficit (percentage of all directives not transposed)1.0%0.7%21=
Overdue directives107
Long-overdue directives (> 2 years)2211
  • Directive (EU) 2018/2001 – Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
  • Directive (EU) 2019/944 – Common rules for the internal market for electricity
Average delay in transposing directives (in months)12.318.35
Conformity deficit (percentage of all directives transposed incorrectly)1.4%1.2%20
Duration of infringement proceedings for late transposition (in months)18.417.916NA

Infringements (Austria)

Trend since last reporting period: positive; negative; = neutral
Ranking out of 27: 1 to 9; 10 to 18; 19 to 27
Ranking out of 21 (compliance with Court rulings): 1 to 7; 8 to 14; 15 to 21

Number of pending infringement proceedings242614
Problematic sectors
  • Atmospheric pollution (4 cases)
  • Financial services (3 cases)
  • Road and rail transport (3 cases)
Average duration of infringement proceedings (in months)54.549.021
Average time taken to comply with Court rulings (in months)42.954.39

Internal Market Information System (Austria)


Requests accepted within one week (%)
Requests answered by the deadline agreed in IMI (%)
Satisfaction with timeliness of replies - as rated by counterparts (%)
Satisfaction with efforts made - as rated by counterparts (%)
Speed in answering requests (days)

Technical regulations information system (Austria)


SOLVIT (Austria)

Submitted cases: 36 (48 in 2022)
Received cases: 98 (89 in 2022)
Cases not accepted: 81 (52 in 2022)

New 90% benchmark for MS to solve problems through their national SOLVIT centre: 70.4%.
0 cases were kept open for longer than 365 days

The majority of the unresolved cases are due to a systemic issue that is not yet resolved. Indicatively, Austria’s resolution rate without these cases would have been 83.7%.

Handling time (as home centre)
Reply in 7 days: 97% (90% in 2022)
Cases prepared in 30 days: 64% (87% in 2022) 
Solutions accepted within 7 days: 65% (60% in 2022)
Cases not accepted within 30 days: 59% (77% in 2022)

Handling time (as lead centre)
Cases accepted within 7 days: 93% (87% in 2022) 
Cases closed within 10 weeks: 43% (49% in 2022)  

Staffing level
Needs improvement

Payment delays (Austria)

In 2022, the average payment delay (the time exceeding the legal or contractually agreed payment terms) by Austrian public authorities was 15 days.

The average number of days needed for a business to have its invoices paid by other businesses (business-to-business payments) was 56 days.

Responsive administration and burden of regulation (Austria)

Indicator 2022 EU average
Burden of government regulation (survey replies: 1 = worst, 7 = best) 4.1  3.8 
Digital public services to start and run a business (100% = best performing) 82.9% 83.7% 
Payment delays by public authorities 15 days 17.5 days
Time to resolve insolvency (2020) 1.1 years 2.0 years
Impact of regulation on long-term investment decisions (survey replies) 26.1% n/a  

Access to public procurement (Austria)

Indicator2022EU average
Single bidder29%37%
No calls for bids7%7%
Publication rate (value advertised on Tenders Electronic Daily, in % of GDP)4.8%



Cooperative procurement (proportion of procedures with more than one buyer)6%7%
Award criteria (proportion of procedures awarded to cheapest bid)30%56%
Decision speed (days)87  87  
SME contractors57%56%
SME bids78%66%
Procedures divided into lots11%30%
Missing calls for bids4%1%
Missing seller registration numbers51%46%
Missing buyer registration numbers87%39%

Note: A typical (mid-ranking) EU country is used for the EU average for all indicators except the publication rate. 

Access to services and services markets (Austria)

Indicator 2021 EU average
Restrictiveness indicator – architect 3.4   2.5  
Restrictiveness indicator – accountant 2.0   1.7  
Restrictiveness indicator – civil engineer 2.9   2.4  
Restrictiveness indicator – lawyer 3.6   3.4  
Restrictiveness indicator – real estate agent 1.8   1.3  
Restrictiveness indicator – patent agent 3.2   2.2  
Restrictiveness indicator – tourist guide 1.1   1.2  
Domestic priority letter prices, letter 20 g  €0.85 €0.99 
Intra-EU priority letter prices, letter 20 g  €1.00 €1.61 
Domestic transit times, day+1 performance, priority letters 20g  n/a 84.3%

Note: The EU restrictiveness indicator (EURI) measures the level of restrictiveness for the cross-border provision of services and the right of establishment for seven groups of professional services with a high share in EU firms’ intermediate consumption or cross-border mobility. The level of restrictiveness is measured on a scale from 0 (least restrictive) to 6 (most restrictive). 

Access to finance (Austria)

Indicator2022EU average
Access to public financial support (% of SMEs indicating deterioration)22.2% 20.2% 
Time to get paid by businesses (2022 survey)56 days56 days
Venture capital investments (% of GDP)0.04%0.08%
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