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Single Market and Competitiveness Scoreboard

The Single Market and Competitiveness Scoreboard

The Scoreboard measures performance and outcomes of the Single Market in different policy areas and tools. By doing so, it provides an overview of how well the Single Market is functioning.

The Single Market consists of 31 countries’ economies. First, it includes all 27 EU Member States. Second, through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) and with certain exceptions, it includes Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Third, through bilateral treaties, Switzerland is also part of it.

The Single Market guarantees the free movement of goods, capital, services, and labour/people, known as the “four freedoms”, enshrined in the EU treaties.

A functioning Single Market stimulates competition and trade, improves market efficiency, raises the quality of products and services, and contributes to lowering prices. Already for 30 years now, the Single Market has fuelled economic growth and facilitated everyday life for European people and businesses. Furthermore, it contributes to making the European economy more resilient and supports the EU's digital and green transitions.

A well-functioning Single Market requires timely and correct implementation of EU law,  effective application “on the ground” as well as effective enforcement of the rules in place by the European Commission and EU/EEA Member States.

As part of the Single Market Strategy, the Single Market Scoreboard monitors the countries’ performance in implementing the four freedoms.

The Scoreboard provides detailed information on:

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