Enforcement tools
- Transposition deficit
- Change over the last 12 months
- Long-overdue directives (2 years or more)
- Total transposition delays
- Conformity deficit (incorrectly transposed directives)
- Duration of infringement processes
- EEA EFTA countries' transposition deficit
- Changes in the average transposition deficit
- Changes in the average conformity deficit
- Changes in the incompleteness rate
- Directives undergoing completeness checks
- Overdue directives by sector and Member States
- Number of pending infringement proceedings
- Change over the last 12 months
- Duration of infringement proceedings
- Time taken to comply with a Court ruling
- EEA EFTA countries' pending infringement cases
- Changes in the number of infringement cases
- Evolution of infringement cases by Member State
- Average duration by sector
- Types of cases
- Cases by sector
EU Pilot
- EU pilot cases
Internal Market Information System (IMI)
- Speed in accepting incoming requests (within 1 week)
- Speed in answering requests
- Requests answered by the date agreed in IMI
- Timeliness of replies (as rated by counterparts)
- Efforts made (as rated by counterparts)
- All exchanges in IMI
- IMI requests per quarter
- IMI requests by policy area
Notifications (TRIS/IMI)
- Number of national drafts notified to the Commission (total)
- Number of national drafts notified to the Commission (by sector)
- Reactions sent by the Commission to Member States
- Number of reactions by Member States to draft technical regulations notified by another Member State
- Number of reactions received by Member States from another Member State
- Contributions received from stakeholders, by notifying Member State
- Number of final texts notified to the Commission
- Number of notifications in total and breakdown by Member State
- Legal basis for notifications under the Services Directive
- Sectoral breakdown of notifications received
- Reactions issued to notifications received
- Overall staffing indicator (with 5 components)
- Difficulties identified by problem area
- Time taken to establish initial contact
- Home centre – preparation time
- Home centre – time to accept a solution
- Home centre – time to not accept a complaint
- Lead centre – time to accept a case
- Lead centre – resolution time
- Resolution rate by country
Business Framework Conditions
Responsive administration and burden of regulation
- Burden of government regulation
- Digital Public Services for Businesses
- Payment delays by public authorities
- Time to resolve insolvency (years)
- Impact of regulation on long-term investment decisions
Market Surveillance
- Investigations per Member State
- Cases of non-compliance per Member State
- Sectors with the highest number of inspections and cases of non-compliance
Access to Public Procurement
Public procurement indicators
- Single bidder
- No calls for bids (direct awards)
- Publication value by GDP
- Joint procurement
- Award criteria based on price alone
- Decision speed
- Contracts with SME participation
- SME bids
- Procedures divided into lots
- Missing calls for bids
- Missing seller registration numbers
- Missing buyer registration numbers
e-Certis indicators
- Criteria Completeness
- Evidence recorded
- Evidence types
- Priced evidence
- Percentage of items of evidence available online
Access to Services and Services Markets
Performance indicators on Barriers to Access to Professional Services Markets
Restrictiveness indicators for the following professions:
- Architect
- Accountant
- Civil engineer
- Lawyer
- Real Estate Agent
- Patent Agent
- Tourist guide
Performance indicators on the recognition of professional qualifications
- Positive recognition rates by profession
- Recognition of qualifications in professional services (% of all requests)
Postal services
- Domestic and intra-EU priority letter prices, letter 20g (EUR)
- Domestic transit times, Day+1 performance, priority letters 20g
Labour Mobility and Matching Across Borders
- Mobility
EURES indicators
- Compliance with the EURES Performance Measurement System
- IT compliance for the EURES Portal
- Labour market share
- User satisfaction with EURES services
- Job placements vs. labour mobility
Access to Finance
- Access to public financial support: share of businesses that indicated a deterioration
- Time to get paid by businesses (days)
- Venture capital investments as a share of GDP
Outcomes and Competitiveness
Growth, Employment and Social Indicators
- Value added in industry
- Value added in services
- Value added by size of business
- Labour productivity
- Annual growth rate in GDP per person employed
- Share of high growth businesses
- Employment growth
- Number of people employed by size of business
- Employment rate
- Precarious employment
- Employment by gender
- Adult participation in education and training
- Wage levels and development
- Health and safety at work: accidents & work related health problems
Integration of Goods and Services
- EU trade integration in goods
- EU trade integration in services
- Exports of goods to other EU countries by SMEs in the industry sector (% of SMEs)
- Trade within the EU and with the rest of the world
- Market integration: international comparisons
- Price convergence: general trend
- Price convergence: average growth rates
- Concentration of State aid
Economic Resilience
- Public investment as share of GDP
- Private investment as a share of GDP
- R&D expenditure as a share of GDP
- Share of EU SMEs introducing product innovation
- Patent applications per million inhabitants
- University rankings
- Average test scores for 15-year-olds (PISA)
- Foreign direct investments
- Exports of goods and services as a share of the rest of the world’s imports
- Global market share in medium and high technology manufacturing
- Global market share of high technology exports
- Strategic dependencies: overview
- Strategic dependencies: raw materials
- Domestic manufacturing of key net-zero technologies
- Electricity prices for non-household consumers
- Electricity price volatility
Digital Transition
- Share of firms with e-sales across EU borders
- Digital intensity in SMEs
- Adoption of digital technologies by companies
- ICT specialists as share of the workforce
Green Transition
- Circular material use rate
- Resource productivity
- Recycling of municipal waste
- Eco-innovation index
- Air emissions intensity: greenhouse gases
- Air emission intensity: fine particulate matter (PM 2.5)
- Share of energy from renewable sources
- SMEs that have taken resource efficiency-measures
- SMEs that offer green products or services
- Electrification
- Zero-emission electricity production
- Deployment of charging infrastructure
- EMAS organisations and sites
- EMAS leading sectors, 2022
- EU Ecolabel licences