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Single Market Scoreboard

Overview of Indicators


Enforcement tools


  • Transposition deficit
  • Change over the last 12 months
  • Long-overdue directives (2 years or more)
  • Total transposition delays
  • Conformity deficit (incorrectly transposed directives)


  • Number of pending infringement proceedings
  • Change over the last 12 months
  • Duration of infringement proceedings
  • Time taken to comply with a Court ruling

EU Pilot

Internal Market Information System (IMI)

  • Speed in accepting incoming requests (within 1 week)
  • Speed in answering requests
  • Requests answered by the date agreed in IMI
  • Timeliness of replies (as rated by counterparts)
  • Efforts made (as rated by counterparts)

Notifications (TRIS/IMI)


  • Overall staffing indicator
Performance indicators
  • Time taken to establish initial contact
  • Home centre – preparation time
  • Home centre – time to accept a solution
  • Home centre – time to not accept a complaint
  • Lead centre – time to accept a case
  • Lead centre – resolution time
  • New benchmark:  90% of the problems to be solved by Member States through SOLVIT within 12 months

Business Framework Conditions

Responsive administration and burden of regulation

  • Burden of government regulation
  • Digital Public Services for Businesses
  • Payment delays by public authorities
  • Time to resolve insolvency (years)
  • Impact of regulation on long-term investment decisions

Market Surveillance

  • Investigations per Member State
  • Cases of non-compliance per Member State
  • sectors with the highest number of inspections and cases of non-compliance

Access to Public Procurement

Public procurement indicators
  • Single bidder
  • No calls for bids
  • Publication rate
  • Cooperative procurement
  • Award criteria
  • Decision speed
  • SME contractors
  • SME bids
  • Procedures divided into lots
  • Missing calls for bids
  • Missing seller registration numbers
  • Missing buyer registration numbers
e-Certis indicators
  • Criteria Completeness
  • Evidence recorded
  • Evidence types
  • Priced evidence
  • Percentage of items of evidence available online, by country and items of evidence with samples

Access to Services and Services Markets

Performance indicators on Barriers to Access to Professional Services Markets
  • Architect
  • Accountant
  • Civil engineer
  • Lawyer
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Patent Agent
  • Tourist guide
Performance indicators on the recognition of professional qualifications
  • Positive recognition rates by profession
  • Recognition of qualifications in professional services (% of all requests)
Postal services
  • Domestic and intra-EU priority letter prices, letter 20g (EUR)
  • Domestic transit times, Day+1 performance, priority letters 20g

Labour Mobility and Matching Across Borders

  • Mobility
EURES indicators
  • Compliance with the EURES Performance Measurement System
  • IT compliance for the EURES Portal
  • Labour market share
  • User satisfaction with EURES services
  • Job placements vs. labour mobility

Access to Finance

  • Access to public financial support: share of businesses that indicated a deterioration
  • Time to get paid by businesses (days), 2022 survey
  • Venture capital investments as a share of gross domestic product (GDP)

Outcomes and Competitiveness

Growth, Employment and Social Indicators

  • Value added in industry
  • Value added in services
  • Value added by enterprise
  • Gross domestic product per person employed
  • Share of high growth enterprises
  • Employment growth
  • Number of persons employed by size of enterprise
  • Permanent, temporary and self-employment
  • Wage levels and development
  • Health and safety at work: accidents at work
  • Health and safety at work: work related health problems
  • Adult employment rate
  • Employment by gender
  • Adult participation in education and training every year (average of male and female)

Integration of Goods and Services

  • EU trade integration in goods (levels)
  • EU trade integration in goods (change)
  • EU trade integration in services (levels)
  • EU trade integration in services (change)
  • Exports of goods to other EU countries by SMEs in the industry sector (% of SMEs)
  • Trade in the  single market and in the rest of the world: trade over GDP
  • Trade in the  single market and in the rest of the world: international comparisons
  • Price convergence: general trend
  • Price convergence: average growth rates

Economic Resilience

  • Public investment as share of gross domestic product (GDP)
  • Private investment as a share of GDP
  • R&D expenditure as a share of GDP
  • Number of patent applications per million inhabitants
  • Share of EU SMEs introducing product innovations
  • University ranking
  • Average test scores for 15-year-olds (PISA)
  • Exports of goods and services as a share of the rest of world's imports
  • Global market share in medium and high technology manufacturing
  • Global market share of high technology exports
  • Strategic dependencies: overview
  • Strategic dependency: raw materials
  • Electricity prices for non-household consumers
  • Electricity price volatility

Digital Transition

  • Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
  • Share of firms with e-sales across EU borders
  • Digital intensity in SMEs
  • Digital technologies adoption by companies
  • ICT specialists (average of female and male, % of employment)

Green Transition

  • Circular material use rate
  • Resource productivity
  • Recycling of municipal waste
  • Eco-innovation index
  • Air emissions intensity: greenhouse gases (GHG)
  • Air emission intensity: PM 2.5
  • Share of energy from renewable sources
  • SMEs that have taken resource efficiency-measures
  • SMEs that offer green products or services
  • EMAS organisations and sites
  • EMAS leading sectors, 2022
  • Ecolabel by product – products per product group, September 2022

Country data

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