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Single Market Scoreboard

Country data: Slovenia

Transposition (Slovenia)

Trend since last reporting period: positive; negative; = neutral
Ranking out of 27: 1 to 9; 10 to 18; 19 to 21

Transposition deficit (percentage of all directives not transposed)0.8%0.7%16
Overdue directives87
Long-overdue directives (> 2 years)021=
Average delay in transposing directives (in months)9.718.31
Conformity deficit (percentage of all directives transposed incorrectly)0.8%1.2%5↑↑
Duration of infringement proceedings for late transposition (in months)20.117.922NA

Infringements (Slovenia)

Trend since last reporting period: positive; negative; = neutral
Ranking out of 27: 1 to 9; 10 to 18; 19 to 27
Ranking out of 21 (compliance with Court rulings): 1 to 7; 8 to 14; 15 to 21

Number of pending infringement proceedings232610=
Problematic sectors
  • Air transport (3 cases)
Average duration of infringement proceedings (in months)42.749.09
Average time taken to comply with Court rulings (in months)58.154.313=

Internal Market Information System (Slovenia)


Requests accepted within one week (%)
Requests answered by the deadline agreed in IMI (%)
Satisfaction with timeliness of replies - as rated by counterparts (%)
Satisfaction with efforts made - as rated by counterparts (%)
Speed in answering requests (days)

Technical regulations information system (Slovenia)


SOLVIT (Slovenia)

Submitted cases: 61 (34 in 2022)
Received cases: 8 (14 in 2022)
Cases not accepted: 17 (15 in 2022)

New 90% benchmark for MS to solve problems through their national SOLVIT centre: 50% (because of the low number of cases as lead this percentage is not statistically relevant)
0 cases were kept open for longer than 365 days.

Handling time (as home centre)
Reply in 7 days: 86% (67% in 2022) 
Cases prepared in 30 days: 97% (100% in 2022) 
Solutions accepted within 7 days: 85% (79% in 2022) 
Cases not accepted within 30 days: 82% (80% in 2022) 

Handling time (as lead centre)
Cases accepted within 7 days: 50% (64% in 2022) 
Cases closed within 10 weeks: 100% (79% in 2022)

Staffing level

Payment delays (Slovenia)

In 2022, the average payment delay (the time exceeding the legal or contractually agreed payment terms) by Slovenian public authorities was 9 days.

The average number of days needed for a business to have its invoices paid by other businesses (business-to-business payments) was 51 days.

Responsive administration and burden of regulation (Slovenia)

Indicator 2022 EU average
Burden of government regulation (survey replies: 1 = worst, 7 = best) 2.8   3.8 
Digital public services to start and run a business (100% = best performing) 82.7% 83.7%  
Payment delays by public authorities 9 days 17.5 days
Time to resolve insolvency (2020) 0.8 years 2.0 years
Impact of regulation on long-term investment decisions (survey replies) 10.0% n/a  

Access to public procurement (Slovenia)

Indicator2022EU average
Single bidder51%37%
No calls for bids11%7%
Publication rate (value advertised on Tenders Electronic Daily, in % of GDP)4.7%5.84%
Cooperative procurement (proportion of procedures with more than one buyer)5%7%
Award criteria (proportion of procedures awarded to cheapest bid)68%56%
Decision speed (days)82  87  
SME contractors85%56%
SME bids80%66%
Procedures divided into lots40%30%
Missing calls for bids7%1%
Missing seller registration numbers2%46%
Missing buyer registration numbers1%39%

Note: A typical (mid-ranking) EU country is used for the EU average for all indicators except  the publication rate.

Access to services and services markets (Slovenia)

Indicator 2021 EU average
Restrictiveness indicator – architect 2.7   2.5  
Restrictiveness indicator – accountant 0.0   1.7  
Restrictiveness indicator – civil engineer 3.2   2.4  
Restrictiveness indicator – lawyer 3.7   3.4  
Restrictiveness indicator – real estate agent 2.8   1.3  
Restrictiveness indicator – patent agent 1.6   2.2  
Restrictiveness indicator – tourist guide 1.7   1.2  
Domestic priority letter prices, letter 20 g  € 0.55 € 0.99
Intra-EU priority letter prices, letter 20 g  € 1.22 € 1.61
Domestic transit times, day+1 performance, priority letters 20 g  90.6% 84.3%

Note: The EU restrictiveness indicator (EURI) measures the level of restrictiveness for the cross-border provision of services and the right of establishment for seven groups of professional services with a high share in the EU firms’ intermediate consumption or cross-border mobility. The level of restrictiveness is measured on a scale from 0 (least restrictive) to 6 (most restrictive). 

Access to finance (Slovenia)

Indicator 2022 EU average
Access to public financial support (% of SMEs indicating deterioration) 20.4%  20.2% 
Time to get paid by businesses (2022 survey) 51 days 56 days
Venture capital investments (% of GDP) 0.01% 0.08%
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