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Single Market Scoreboard

Your Europe

Your Europe

The Your Europe portal helps people and businesses in the EU by:

  • providing clear information on their rights and obligations in the Single Market
  • giving access to assistance services in case they need help.

2020 saw the formalisation of Your Europe as the EU’s “single digital gateway”, providing increased and better access to national information and assistance services in line with the single digital gateway regulation, which entered into force on 12 December 2020.

National governments support the website by:

  • contributing content (national rules implementing the Single Market)
  • promoting Your Europe to their own citizens and businesses

Putting user needs first, the multilingual portal has two separate sections: Citizens and Business.

Both EU institutions and national governments provide content.

Your Europe and the Single Market Scoreboard – what role do they play?

By ensuring that citizens and businesses know their rights and obligations, the European Commission helps create the basic conditions for the Single Market to function effectively:

  • informed citizens and entrepreneurs can make the most of their rights
  • public administrations are less burdened by a lack of compliance due to missing information

Key messages

  • 32.8 million visits to Your Europe in 2020
  • 8% decrease in comparison to 2019 (due to the pandemic: 12% drop in the “Travel” section; 6.5% growth in the “Product Requirements” section)
  • 93% of visitors are satisfied with Your Europe

Overall performance and trend

Overall Performance (all 2 indicators combined)

Map legend

A member state’s overall performance across the 2 indicators is calculated by scoring each indicator as follows:

  • red = 0
  • yellow = 1
  • green = 2

The average is calculated and the appropriate colour assigned.

Main findings

This map shows the extent to which EU countries are contributing to Your Europe

Trend numbers in terms of visits*


* limited to visits from EU countries and associated countries, excluding non-EU countries.

Main findings
  • Use of the site declined slightly due to the pandemic – an average of 2.7 million monthly visits in 2020 (compared to 3 million in 2019)  
  • Continued high level of satisfaction – 93% “satisfied” or “very satisfied” according to online surveys

Performance indicators

[1] Presence of the Your Europe logo on the main national SDG portal YES NO
[2] Availability of information in English on the national portal  YES NO


  • Commission:
    • contribute to its political projects, in particular the Single Digital Gateway
    • improve EU content
    • keep content focused on users’ needs
    • make the Your Europe site as user-friendly and accessible as possible
    • increase public awareness and improve web visibility
  • National governments:
    • update national content and links from national government pages
    • ensure a smooth transition to the single digital gateway project, by publishing the required information on national portals
    • promote Your Europe nationally


Your Europe-Citizens
  • EU content
    • Updated content on taking animal products, food or plants with you; air passenger rights
    • Updated content on equal treatment in the workplace
    • Updated content on posted workers
    • Updated content on car registration in another EU country
    • New content on Brexit and professional qualifications
    • Updated content on roaming rates
    • New content on dynamic currency conversion
  • New interactive content
    • Travelling with pets and other animals in the EU
    • Rights for travellers with disabilities or reduced mobility
    • New content on Brexit residence rights
    • New content on covid travel rules and restrictions, embedded from
Your Europe-Business
  • EU content
    • New content on declaration of mutual recognition, footwear label, textile label, WEEE label, WEEE responsibilities
    • Updated content on posting staff abroad
    • Updated list of contacts per member state to allow for submission of intrastate declarations on “Selling in the EU” section
  • Interactive content
    • Updated content on product compliance to display product rules according to business roles
    • Updated content on simplified accounting procedures for SMEs
    • VAT checker directly accessible from the “Check a VAT number” (VIES) page

Facts and figures

Visits by country* - Your Europe section


* limited to visits from EU countries and associated countries, excluding third countries.

Visits by topic – Citizens section


Visits by topic – Business section

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